Trends in Ed Tech: Online Education


Source: 21K School


Online education is arguably the trend of education technology of the moment. It is the first trend listed in Liz Miller Lee's 4 Innovative Trends in K-12 Education.

When I was attending junior college in the 00s, the concept of taking classes online was new. Now, in the 2020s, it is essential. Now that this accessible means of education has been expanded larger than its ever been, it is difficult and undesirable to go back.

Sources for this presentation include:

Apathy in online education: [North Sports Final Edition] by David McGrath

Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, Vol. 17, Nos. 1 & 2, 2015

"DePaul Students demand refunds: Suits claim shift to online classes 'decreased value' of education" by Elyssa Cherney

 "Managing large classes in virtual teaching: experiences of university teachers in Ghana during COVID‑19" by Inusah Salifu and Usman Kojo Abonyi

 "Students with learning disabilities face additional virtual learning challenges" from CBC News (YouTube video)

Without further ado:


Addendum: Under "Cons," I forgot to discuss the difficulty in managing virtual classes, and how such difficulty requires additional training for teachers, who already have a great deal on their plate. Salifu and Abonvi discuss this in detail in the above article.



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