
Source: USB Typewriter

      Hey, all. I'm Ruby Plank, and this is my introduction post. Doing these class introductions always makes me a little nervous, so bear with me, please.

     I currently work the reference desk at a public library. I've been working there for almost two years now, but my job at the reference desk is a recent promotion from previously being a circulation aid. I'm currently working toward my graduate degree to be a librarian, and hopefully someday work with children and teens.

     My main hobby is writing (thus the picture above). I've written poems and novella, and am working on a novel or two. Beyond that I like video games and graphic novels. 

    In regards to technology, I have a smartphone that I use regularly, and I use a computer for web-surfing and writing. I'll occasionally use my computer for gaming, but I primarily use my Playstation 4 for that. I still feel my grasp of technology is inadequate, so I feel quite a bit of anxiety with regards to my tech class this semester. I know that all I can do is my best, and I hope that will be sufficient.


Source: Shorty_XD on Tenor

    My job at the library involves a lot of helping patrons with printing and copying, so I've gotten to know our copier pretty intimately over just the last month or two since I was promoted. The department I've transferred to also has me using Excel a lot more than my previous jobs did. 

    In my downtime the machine I probably use the most is a tough call between my phone and Playstation 4. I use my phone for social media, as well as for Libby and Hoopla (the former for audio books, the latter for graphic novels). I love video games and really appreciate the potential they have for education, such as the Discovery Tour mode in Assassin's Creed Odyssey, where you can tour the game world like it's a museum about Greek history.

    Despite my nervousness, I'm looking forward to learning how to implement technology into future library programs.


  1. Hey, Ruby! Thank you for sharing. Are there particular subjects you gravitate towards in your writing? What graphic novels have you enjoyed most recently?

    I am also a big fan of Libby. I'm always on the waitlist for a few books. I have found that listening to audio books is an excellent way to spend my commute. I just finished up a course through Dominican on Gaming in Education. Have you taken it? We explored the learning potential within games and a lot of the theory behind game design. I'd definitely recommend if you haven't taken it.

    1. Hey Madison! I would have replied sooner, but the reply function wasn't quite working right on my end. Anyway, I haven't taken that course. I'm pursuing a Certificate in Youth Services along with my MLIS, so I might talk to my advisor and see if that class could be counted as credit toward said certificate.

    2. Oh, and in regards to your first questions, I tend to lean toward writing romance, and I recently read the full Bloom Into You series and absolutely adored it.

  2. Great to meet you, Ruby. Looking forward to learning with you this fall.


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